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Integrating SwiftUI in Leaf Nodes of your iOS Application

Posted on:March 17, 2023

You may have find yourself with a large and complex application using UIKit. While UIKit has been a reliable choice for many years, you may be interested in modernizing your app and taking advantage of the latest technologies. One technology that you should consider is SwiftUI.

SwiftUI is a modern framework for building user interfaces in Apple’s ecosystem, introduced in iOS 13. It provides many benefits over UIKit, including a declarative syntax, automatic layout, and reactive updates. However, it can be challenging to integrate SwiftUI into an existing UIKit application.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why integrating SwiftUI at the leaf nodes of your app is the best way to upgrade iteratively while minimizing risk.

Why Integrate SwiftUI at the Leaf Nodes of your App?

Integrating SwiftUI at the leaf nodes of your app means that you start by replacing small parts of your app, such as custom UI elements or individual screens, with SwiftUI. By doing this, you can learn the framework and gradually migrate your app to SwiftUI. Here are some reasons why integrating SwiftUI at the leaf nodes is beneficial:

How to Integrate SwiftUI at the Leaf Nodes of your App?

Integrating SwiftUI at the leaf nodes of your app requires a few steps. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Identify Leaf Nodes

Identify the small parts of your app that you want to replace with SwiftUI. These can be custom UI elements or individual screens.

When identifying the leaf nodes of your app, you should start by looking for the parts of your app that are most self-contained and least dependent on other parts of your app. These can be small custom UI elements or individual screens that don’t require complex navigation or data flow.

2. Create SwiftUI Views

Create SwiftUI views for the leaf nodes that you identified in step 1. You can use the same data model and logic as your existing UIKit views.

When creating SwiftUI views, you should start by replicating the same functionality and appearance of your existing UIKit views. This means using the same data model and logic as your existing views, and matching the same fonts, colors, and styles.

SwiftUI uses a declarative syntax, meaning you define the structure and appearance of your views using simple code that describes what the view should look like, rather than manually manipulating views.

3. Integrate SwiftUI Views

Integrate the SwiftUI views into your existing UIKit app using UIKit interoperability. You can do this by using the UIHostingController to embed SwiftUI views in your UIKit app.

Once you’ve created your SwiftUI views, you need to integrate them into your existing UIKit app. You can do this using the UIHostingController, which is a UIKit controller that can host SwiftUI views. You simply need to create an instance of UIHostingController, passing in your SwiftUI view as the root view, and then add the hosting controller to your view hierarchy like you would with any other view controller.

Here’s an example of how to integrate a SwiftUI view using UIHostingController:

// Create a SwiftUI view
struct MySwiftUIView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("Hello, World!")

// Create a UIHostingController for the SwiftUI view
let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: MySwiftUIView())

// Add the hosting controller to your view hierarchy
navigationController.pushViewController(hostingController, animated: true)

4. Test and Iterate

Test the integration thoroughly to make sure that it works seamlessly. Iterate on the integration until you’re satisfied with the results.

After integrating your SwiftUI views, it’s essential to test the integration thoroughly to make sure that it works seamlessly with your existing UIKit code. You should also iterate on the integration until you’re satisfied with the results.

Make sure to test the following aspects of the integration:


Integrating SwiftUI at the leaf nodes of your iOS app is the best way to modernize your app iteratively while minimizing risk. By starting with small parts of your app, you can learn the framework and gradually migrate your app to SwiftUI. This approach also allows you to take advantage of the benefits of SwiftUI, such as a declarative syntax, automatic layout, and reactive updates, without having to rewrite your entire app.

Remember to identify the leaf nodes of your app, create SwiftUI views that replicate the functionality and appearance of your existing UIKit views, integrate SwiftUI views using UIHostingController, and test and iterate on the integration until you’re satisfied with the results. By following these steps, you can successfully integrate SwiftUI into your existing UIKit app and modernize your app for the future.